Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Season 2 Wrap-Up

The Montreal Marauders claimed the World Series title with a 4-1 series win over the Kansas City Stockade. The NL now has both championship in this young league's history, and the titles have been split 1-1 between the United States and Canada.

Trade negotiations between the US and Canada have improved just in time for Marauders merchandise to freely be exported across the continent. Mexico is a bit more distant, hoping for a better performance from their Sombreros next season.

This new league for peace has been holding up so far, as the health of NAFTA continues to improve, albeit slowly. The future of this world is looking good, with 3 seasons to go until judgement day.

It was rumored that Canada offered a bet to the US where the winner of the World Series would get premium control of untapped oil reserves in Alaska. However, the United States declined, preferring traditional negotiation.